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Post-void residual (PVR) refers to the amount of urine that remains in the bladder after a person has finished urinating. In men, PVR can be affected by various factors, including prostate health, urinary tract issues, and pelvic floor muscle function. Pelvic floor physical therapy can play a role in addressing PVR in men by addressing underlying pelvic floor muscle dysfunction and promoting healthier urinary habits.
Here’s how pelvic floor physical therapy can be relevant to managing PVR in men:
Pelvic Floor Muscle Training:
Bladder Training:
Manual Therapy:
Behavioral Strategies:
It’s important to note that PVR can be a symptom of underlying medical conditions, such as an enlarged prostate, urinary tract or bladder infections, or a neurological issue, which may require medical evaluation and treatment. Pelvic floor physical therapy can complement medical interventions and help individuals achieve better bladder function and voiding habits. If you or a man in your life is having difficulty emptying their bladder and has to constantly go back to the bathroom to re-empty, contact us at Pelvic Health!

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