
SI Joint Pain During Pregnancy

By Shannon Strauch, PTA, STMT-1 on 6/27/2024

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The sacroiliac (SI) joints connect the sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of your spine) to the ilium (the upper part of your pelvis). During pregnancy, these joints can become painful due to several reasons:

  1. Hormonal Changes

    : The hormone relaxin increases during pregnancy, causing ligaments to become more relaxed and flexible. This can lead to instability in the SI joints.

  2. Weight Gain

    : The extra weight from the growing baby increases the stress and pressure on the SI joints.

  3. Postural Changes

    : As your belly grows, your center of gravity shifts, which can alter your posture and put additional strain on the SI joints.

  4. Biomechanical Changes

    : The way you walk (gait) and move can change during pregnancy, leading to altered mechanics that stress the SI joints.

  5. Previous SI Joint Dysfunction

    : If you had SI joint issues before pregnancy, the added physical changes during pregnancy can exacerbate the problem.

How Pelvic Floor Therapy Can Help

Pelvic floor therapy can be highly beneficial for managing SI joint pain during pregnancy. Here’s how:

  1. Strengthening Pelvic Floor Muscles

    : Strengthening these muscles helps provide better support for the pelvic organs and stabilizes the pelvis, reducing stress on the SI joints.

  2. Improving Posture

    : Pelvic floor therapists can help correct posture, reducing the strain on the SI joints.

  3. Manual Therapy

    : Techniques such as massage, joint mobilization, and myofascial release can alleviate pain and improve mobility.

  4. Exercise Prescription

    : Tailored exercises that focus on core stability, pelvic alignment, and muscle balance can help reduce pain and prevent further issues.

  5. Education and Ergonomics

    : Learning proper body mechanics, safe lifting techniques, and how to perform daily activities can prevent exacerbating the SI joint pain. A pelvic floor therapist can also help fit you into an SI Joint Belt

  6. Breathing Techniques

    : Proper breathing can help engage and relax the pelvic floor muscles effectively, contributing to overall pelvic stability.


SI joint pain during pregnancy is a common issue caused by hormonal changes, weight gain, postural adjustments, and biomechanical alterations. Pelvic floor therapy can provide significant relief by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, improving posture, offering manual therapy, prescribing targeted exercises, and educating on proper ergonomics and breathing techniques. Are you pregnant and experiencing low back or SIJ pain? Reach out to us at Pelvic Health Center in Madison, NJ to set up an evaluation and treatment! Feel free to call us at 908-443-9880 or email us at

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